2024 Study Release: The High Cost of Chronic Disease

Having a chronic condition has high financial, emotional and opportunity costs. A new study shows what families in the U.S. are losing and what kind of system improvements are needed

This year, for Chronic Disease Month, we commissioned a survey of more than 1,000 people with chronic diseases. These are people from all parts of the country, all ages, races, family status and walks of life, and their answers truly illustate how we’re all paying a high price for un- and under-treated health conditions.The long and short of it is this: chronic diseases cost a lot. They cost financially, they cost professionally, they cost emotionally. And what’s more, the cost of chronic disease is not “paid” just by the person with the disease—their families, friends, communities and employers also suffer.

  • 29% agree with the statement: “Because of the cost of treatment, I sometimes have to make choices between medication, and other basic necessities like rent, food, or school.”

  • Despite state and federal protection laws, 22% of respondents, or almost 30 million Americans, have felt discriminated at work because of their medical needs.

  • 60% of respondents often feel stressed in dealing with their condition.

  • 50% feel “a significant negative impact on mental health and emotional well-being, including feelings of isolation or depression.”

Want to know more?

Read the Study Results

Watch the 3-minute recap

Watch the full study release

Join the Fight

Here are five easy ways for you to get involved this Chronic Disease Month.

I Vote Because

About 7 out of 10 U.S. deaths are due to chronic disease. Our elected leaders shape healthcare policy, but they need to hear from you. Use our web tool to create a custom 'I vote because...' graphic. Share it on social media, tag @ChronicRights, and use the hashtag #CDM24. We’ll amplify your message!

Tell Us Why You Vote

Rate Your Candidates

One of our core values is to support relationships between legislators and constituents. With that goal in mind, we developed our own candidate scorecard that anyone can use to evaluate their local legislators and candidates. This can be used in a number of different ways—you can look for answers on websites, in media stories or in speeches. You can also look for opportunities to sit down with legislative candidates, tell them your story and talk to them about the nonpartisan, common-sense reforms that will help.

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Support a Champion

We at the Coalition are so grateful for the legislators who sponsor pro-patient bills, year in and year out. Do you have a legislative champion? Check our list and watch out for their shout-out in our social media feeds—and then share it! They champion us, and this is our time to show our appreciation.

Support a Champion

Share Your Story

Your story is powerful. By sharing it with us, you help educate lawmakers, the media, and the public about living with a chronic disease. Personal stories are impactful and help drive policy changes. Everyone has a story, and we want to hear yours! Remember, 65% of people with chronic conditions are unemployed or not working, and your story can highlight these significant issues.

Share Your Story

Contact Your Elected Leaders

Reaching out to your elected leaders is one of the most effective ways to drive meaningful policy changes for chronic disease patients. During Chronic Disease Month, we’re focusing on specific actions legislators can take to improve outcomes for our community. With chronic disease patients more than just numbers and charts, knowing the statistics and personal experiences helps in the fight for chronic rights. Sending a message takes just one minute.

Contact Elected Leaders